

SGI STL的实现源代码为了有更大的弹性,节点和迭代器都分为两层。

typedef bool __rb_tree_color_type;            
const __rb_tree_color_type __rb_tree_red = false;    //定义红色为0
const __rb_tree_color_type __rb_tree_black = true;    //定义黑色为1

struct __rb_tree_node_base
    typedef __rb_tree_color_type color_type;        //bool
    typedef __rb_tree_node_base* base_ptr;           

    color_type color;                      //定义节点颜色
    base_ptr parent;                       //指向父节点
    base_ptr left;                         //指向左孩子
    base_ptr right;                        //指向右孩子

    static base_ptr minimum(base_ptr x)    //取以x为根节点的最小值
        while(NULL != x->next) x = x->left;
        return x;

    static base_ptr maximum(base_ptr x)     //取以x为根节点的最大值
        while(NULL != x->next) x = x->right;
        return x;

template<class Value>
struct __rb_tree_node : public __rb_tree_node_base
    typedef __rb_tree_node<Value>* link_type;   //重命名指向其他节点的指针
    Value value_field;             //节点值



struct __rb_tree_base_iterator
    typedef __rb_tree_node_base::base_ptr base_ptr;     //即__rb_tree_node_base*
    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;    //双向迭代器类型
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;        //表示迭代器之间的距离

    base_ptr node;     //与容器之间产生一个连结关系

    void increment()       //在顺序队列中找到node的下一位
        if(node -> right != 0)     //该节点有右子树,右子树的最小值
            node = node->right;
            while(node->left != 0)
                node = node->left;
        else                        //该节点没有右子树
            base_ptr y = node->parent;      //若该节点为父节点的左孩子,找该节点的父节点,就是我们要找的
            while(node == y->right)         //若该节点为父节点的右孩子,向上找,直至不为右孩子,有两种情况:(1)该节点为最大值,直到null(2).该节点的位于某个节点的左子树上,找到了这个节点
                node = y;
                y = y->parent;
            if(node->right != y)
                node = y;

    void decrement()     //在顺序队列中找到node的上一位
        if(node->color == __rb_tree_red && node->parent->parent == node)
            node = node->right;
        else if(node->left != 0)     //左子树的最大值
            base_ptr y = node->left;
            while(y->right != 0)
                y = y->right;
            node = y;
        else                    //找父节点         
            base_ptr y = node->parent;
            while(node == y->left)
                node = y;
                y = y->parent;
            node = y;



template<class Value, class Ref, class Ptr>
struct __rb_tree_iterator : public __rb_tree_base_iterator
    typedef Value value_type;
    typedef Ref reference;
    typedef Ptr pointer;
    typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, Ref, Ptr> self;
    typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, Value&, Value*> iterator;
    typedef __rb_tree_iterator<Value, const Value&, const Value*> const_iterator;

    __rb_tree_iterator() {}
    __rb_tree_iterator(link_type x) { node = x; }
    __rb_tree_iterator(const iterator& it) { node = it.node; }

    reference operator*() const 
        return link_type(node)->value_field;
    pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*());}
    self& operator++()
        return *this;
    self operator++(int)
        self tmp = *this;
        return tmp;
    self& operator--()
        return *this;
    self operator--(int)
        self tmp = *this;
        return tmp;



template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc = alloc>
class rb_tree
    typedef void* void_pointer;
    typedef _rb_tree_node_base* base_ptr;
    typedef _rb_tree_node<Value> rb_tree_node;   //定义节点
    typedef simple_alloc<rb_tree_node, Alloc> rb_tree_node_allocator;   //定义分配器,每个容器都有自己的空间分配器,详见allocator文件
    typedef __rb_tree_color_type color_type;
    typedef Key key_type;       //定义key类型
    typedef Value value_type;
    typedef value_type* pointer;
    typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
    typedef value_type& reference;
    typedef const value_type& const_reference;
    typedef rb_tree_node* link_type;
    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    link_type get_node() { return rb_tree_node_allocator::allocate(); }   //分配一个节点的空间
    void put_node(link_type p) { rb_tree_node_allocator::deallocate(p); }   //释放节点空间

    link_type create_node(const value_type& x)     //创建一个节点
        link_type tmp = get_node();     //配置空间
        __STL_TRY {    //内部的宏,处理异常
            construct(&tmp->value_field, x);   //构造该空间的内容
        __STL_UNWIND(put_node(tmp));   //若发生错误,则释放该节点空间
        return tmp;

    void destory_node(link_type p)
        destroy(&p->value_field);    //析构函数
        put_node(p);       //释放内存

    size_type node_count;   //追踪记录树的大小(节点数量)
    link_type header;     //实现上的技巧
    Compare key_compare;   //节点间的键值大小比较准则

    link_type& root() const { return (link_type&) header->parent; }  //header->parent指向树的根节点
    link_type& leftmost() const { return (link_type&) header->left; }  //header->left指向树的最小值(第一个值)
    link_type& rightmost() const { return (link_type&) header->right; } )

    static link_type& left(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->left); }
    static link_type& right(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->right); }
    static link_type& parent(link_type x) { return (link_type&)(x->parent); }
    static reference value(link_type x) { return x->value_field; }
    static const Key& key(link_type x) { return KeyofValue()(value(x)); }  //KeyofValue():这是一个函数对象(也称为仿函数或者函数适配器),它的作用是从节点中存储的值中提取出键。value(x):这是一个调用,它接受一个节点指针 x 并返回该节点中存储的值。这个值通常是一个包含键和值的对(如 std::pair),或者就是键本身,如果键和值是相同的。
    static color_type& color(link_type x) { return (color_type&)(x->color); }

    static link_type& left(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->left); }
    static link_type& right(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->right); }
    static link_type& parent(base_ptr x) { return (link_type&)(x->parent); }
    static reference value(base_ptr x) { return ((link_type)x)->value_field; }
    static const Key& key(base_ptr x) { return KeyofValue()(value(((link_type)x))); }  //KeyofValue():这是一个函数对象(也称为仿函数或者函数适配器),它的作用是从节点中存储的值中提取出键。value(x):这是一个调用,它接受一个节点指针 x 并返回该节点中存储的值。这个值通常是一个包含键和值的对(如 std::pair),或者就是键本身,如果键和值是相同的。
    static color_type& color(base_ptr x) { return (color_type&)(((link_type&)x)->color); }

    static link_type minimum(link_type x) { return (link_type) __rb_tree_node_base::minimum(x); }
    static link_type maximum(link_type x) { return (link_type) __rb_tree_node_base::maximum(x); }

    typedef __rb_tree_iterator<value_type, reference, pointer> iterator;   //定义迭代器,外部可见

    iterator __insert(base_ptr x, base_ptr y, const value_type& v);
    link_type __copy(link_ype x, link_type p);
    void init()   //实现上的技巧,初始化header
        header = get_node();      //header指向一个空间,没有用create_node,证明没有初始化
        color(header) = __rb_tree_red;     //令header为红色,用来区分header

        root() = 0;
        leftmost() = header;      //令header的左子节点为自己
        rightmost() = header;

    rb_tree(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : node_count(0), key_compare(comp) { init(); }    //构造函数,传入Compare仿函数
        clear();    //清空树上的节点
        put_node(header);   //释放header
    rbtree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>& operator=(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc> & x);   //定义赋值函数

    Compare key_comp() const { return key_compare; }   //返回比较仿函数
    iterator begin() { return leftmost(); }    //RB树的起头为最左(最小)节点处,iterator里面有构造函数接收link_type类型
    iterator end() { return header; }  //header为树的终点
    bool empty() const { return node_count == 0; }
    size_type size() const { return node_count; }
    size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }

    pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type& x);   //保持节点值独一无二
    iterator insert_equal(const value_type& x);   //允许节点值重复




template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc = alloc>
typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::insert_equal(const value_type& v)
    link_type y = header;
    link_type x = root();  //从根节点开始
    while(x != 0)
        y = x;
        x = key_compare(KeyofValue()(v), key(x) ? left(x) : right(x));   //寻找合适的插入点
    return __insert(x, y, v);   //x为新值插入点,y为插入点之父节点,v为新值
template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc = alloc>
pair<typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator, bool> rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::insert_equal(const value_type& v) //第一个元素是迭代器,指向新增节点,第二元素表示插入成功与否
    link_type y = header;
    link_type x = root();  //从根节点开始
    bool comp = true;
    while(x != 0)
        y = x;
        comp = key_compare(KeyofValue()(v), key(x));  //寻找合适的插入点
        x =  comp ? left(x) : right(x)); 

    iterator j = iterator(y);   //令迭代器j指向插入点之父节点y
        if(j == begin()) return pair<iterator, bool>();   //若父节点是最左边的值,那么一定没有左孩子,也就不会重复
        else --j;          //可能会重复,找到左孩子
    if(key_compare(key(j.node), KeyofValue()(v))) return pair<iterator, bool>(__insert(x, y, v), true);
    return pair<iterator, bool>(j, false);
template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc = alloc>
typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::__insert(base_ptr x_, base_ptr y_, const value_type& v)
{   // x_为新值插入点(为了判断x是否不为空,也就是insert_equal需要),参数y_为插入点之父节点,参数v为新值
    link_type x = (link_type) x_;
    link_type y = (link_type) y_;
    link_type z = create_node(v);

    if(y == header || x != 0 || key_compare(KeyofValue()(v), key(y)))
        left(y) = z;
        if(y == header)   
            root() = z;
            rightmost() = z;
        else if(y == leftmost()) leftmost() = z;
        right(y) = z;  //新节点成为y的右子节点
        if(y == rightmost()) rightmost() = z;     //维护rightmost(), 使它指向最右节点

    parent(z) = y;
    left(z) = 0;
    right(z) = 0;

    __rb_tree_rebalance(z, header->parent);    //新增节点,root
    return iterator(z);


inline void __rb_tree_rebalance(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
    x->color = __rb_tree_red;    //新节点必为红
    while(x != root && x->parent->color == __rb_tree_red)  //父节点为红
        if(x->parent == x->parent->parent->left)    //父节点为祖父节点的左孩子
            __rb_tree_node_base* y = x->parent->parent->right; //y为伯父节点
            if(y && y->color == __rb_tree_red)  //伯父结点存在且为红
                x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;    //更改父节点为黑
                y->color = __rb_tree_black;        //更改伯父节点为黑
                x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;   //更改祖父节点为红
                x = x->parent->parent;
            }else     //无伯父节点,或伯父节点为黑
                if(x == x->parent->right)    //新节点为父节点的右孩子
                    x = x->parent;
                    __rb_tree_rotate_left(x, root);   //左旋
                x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
                x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;
                __rb_tree_rotate_right(x->parent->parent, root);
            __rb_tree_node_base* y = x->parent->parent->left;
            if(y && y->color == __rb_tree_red)  //伯父结点存在且为红
                x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;    //更改父节点为黑
                y->color = __rb_tree_black;        //更改伯父节点为黑
                x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;   //更改祖父节点为红
                x = x->parent->parent;   //继续向上检查
            }else     //无伯父节点,或伯父节点为黑
                if(x == x->parent->left)    //新节点为父节点的左孩子
                    x = x->parent;
                    __rb_tree_rotate_right(x, root);   //右旋
                x->parent->color = __rb_tree_black;
                x->parent->parent->color = __rb_tree_red;
                __rb_tree_rotate_left(x->parent->parent, root);
    root->color = __rb_tree_black;


inline void __rb_tree_rotate_left(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
    __rb_tree_node_base*  y = x->right;
    x->right = y->left;
    if(y->left != 0) y->left->parent = x;
    y->parent = x->parent;

    if(x == root) root = y;
    else if(x == x->parent->left) x->parent->left = y;
    else x->parent->right = y;

    y->left = x;
    x->parent  = y;


inline void __rb_tree_rotate_right(__rb_tree_node_base* x, __rb_tree_node_base*& root)
    __rb_tree_node_base*  y = x->left;
    x->left = y->right;
    if(y->right != 0) y->right->parent = x;
    y->parent = x->parent;

    if(x == root) root = y;
    else if(x == x->parent->left) x->parent->left = y;
    else x->parent->right = y;

    y->right = x;
    x->parent  = y;


template<class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare, class Alloc = alloc>
typename rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::iterator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyofValue, Compare, Alloc>::find(const Key& k)
    link_type y = header; 
    link_type x = root();

    while(x != 0)
        if(!key_compare(key(x), k))  //若小于x,则更新x,y
            y = x, x = left(x);
        else x = right(x);

    iterator j = iterator(y);
    return (j == end() || key_compare(k, key(j.node())) ? end() : j;
}    //没有等号,但依然可以定位到指向该节点的迭代器,画个图一目了然

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